Thursday, September 5, 2013

What I've Been Up To: Spacetrash!

I'm so terrible at updating this blog, and I'm not entirely convinced that anyone actually reads it. But that's probably because it's updated so infrequently.

Lately, I've been doing a lot of the following:

•Eating copious amounts of sharp cheddar
•Having crazy, cheese-induced dreams.

Okay, I'll be a little more serious. I don't open up to a lot of people, but I'll open up to you, Internet.

I have terrible, nearly debilitating anxiety. I'm kind of an alcoholic. I don't know what I want to do with my life. If I were an ice cream flavor, it would be called Maudlin & Cream: it would consist of panic-attack-flavored ice cream, chunks of self pity, and a beer swirl.

Having an Etsy shop (technically, shops) is one of the few creative outlets I still have. I used to write. I used to draw. But I'm trying to get back into all of that, and that's why I'm writing this.

I started a new online store called Spacetrash a month ago, and it's been going swimmingly! We've have nearly 40 orders so far-- we've gotten off to a way better start than Glow Worm Shop did. And when I say "we," I mean me and my boyfriend, who's the co-owner/designer of this new store.

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Mermaid Girl

1. Sweater, $3, Thrifted
2. Sea Foam Dress, $40, eBay
3. Black Archie Oxfords, $125, Deandri
4. Cat Ear Headband, $10, Urban Outfitters
5. White Belt, ~$10, Forever 21
6. Mermaid Hair, ~$8, Punky Colour (Alpine Green and Turquoise)

If I was a brunette with a scaly fishtail, I don't think I would feel like a mermaid. It takes a head full of shiny, ocean blue hair to make me want to burst into a song about how great life under the sea is.

I recently combined two colors (Punky Colour in Alpine Green and Turquoise) to get this awesome mermaid hair. If I blur my eyes and look at it, I feel like I'm underwater. I've never been so in love with a color in my life.

Apart from staring at my hair all day, I had the privilege of trading some of my jewelry for some Deandri shoes, which I'm wearing in these photos! Deanna, the owner/designer of Deandri, contacted me on Instagram and asked me if I wanted to trade. I got to visit her awesome showroom in downtown L.A. and pick out these shoes! And even though I didn't get to go to Coachella, at least Deanna was able to wear my jewelry there.

I got this dress on eBay and I'm in love with it! It actually has this really cool lace skull on the back, but I couldn't get a good photo of it, and I was way too lazy to take my bra off for the photo. Stupid bra straps always getting in the way of everything. Everything! I really hate bras. I wish I could just wear pasties everyday. I could have a pair of pasties for every outfit. I bet I could even find mermaid pasties.

I don't think I've ever used the word "pasties" this many times in a paragraph. Or ever.


Okay, I should probably go to bed now.

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Instagrammin' No. 1

My winter break, thus far, through instagram. My 11-year-old golden retriever/best friend I've ever had died. I made some new jewelry (like this awesome Anime Eye Necklace designed by Ivy Atoms). I saw the Stanley Kubrick exhibit at LACMA. One of my best friends got a whale tattoo. My cat discovered the dryer.

Some fun things happened, but I still think about my dog every day. I miss him. 

R.I.P. Andrew D. Jensen, you were the best dog in the world.

Monday, November 26, 2012




    GLOW WORM Shop





    , $32, 


I finally purchased a holographic article of clothing! Really excited about this skirt from Asos. I can't get enough of rainbows and sparkles and iridescence. I also like how this skirt isn't loudly colorful. I love color, as you can probably tell from my hair, but lately I've been wearing a lot of grays and blacks so my hair can be the center of attention, in terms of color. So this skirt is my way of wearing subtle rainbows.

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Shoes For Alien Babes

At some point in the past year I made the switch from delicate ballerina flats to insane-looking flatforms. And people noticed. My friends poked fun at me and told me my shoes scream, "I want to be taller." I'm perfectly comfortable with my height. I have no problem reaching the box of chocolate chip chewy bars in my cabinet. What I like about flatforms is that they're strange. They look, at the same time, futuristic and vintage. They look like the shoes some hitch-hiking Martian babe would be wearing in a sci-fi B-movie.

I've done a lot of shoe shopping on the internet, and I've compiled this list of weird-ass shoes for your enjoyment (and shopping cart.) I tried my best to keep the list all under $70.

These are $56 from eBay
These are $37 from eBay

These are $58 from eBay

These are $43 from eBay

These are $37 from eBay

These are $61from eBay

While perusing for shoes you might want to stop by this website to figure out your alien name! I'm Lar. Nice to meet you.